Sunday, January 22, 2012


After a few weeks off, we are back to writing in the blog. We had a great break and enjoyed spending time with family. Instead of a recap, of our four week break, thought we would show you our photo highlights and give you some updates of the last week.

We made CalDon a Jedi

 We went Ice Skating with Liesl

 Clayton Played hockey with his Dad and CalDon.

We made a light drawing for new years.

Brittany Jumped on the trampoline
and jumped
and jumped
and jumped some more

We had Fondue
Crab for Clayton's Birthday
We went to a park
On the Potomac River.

Nicole started a regular baby-sitting job. Clayton turned 25, thanks for all the messages. We also celebrated our 2 year anniversary. Baby started kicking and squirming a lot. We set up the crib we are borrowing from David and Roxanne.