This is a picture of what our apartment looked like right after we moved in.
This was a crazy week for us. We left Utah on Monday and drove like mad across the country. Clayton is pretty jealous that because Nicole drove from California to Utah on Sunday she has now driven coast to coast. We are really grateful for all the help in getting our stuff packed. We could not have done it with out you.
Those of you who helped us pack the semi-trailer, will be impressed to know that the truck we got to transport our stuff from the semi-trailer to the new apartment was five cubic feet smaller. We had another packing miracle and it all fit. With the help of Nicole's cousin and a few friends we got it all moved in. The whole process gave us insight into the crass commercial nature of our lives and we are considering burning everything we own next time we decide to move. Clayton laments the days when all that he owned fit the back of a pick up truck.
It was great to cross paths with Nicole's family on our way out. We wish we could have spent more time with them in Kentucky. Unfortunately, we were on a tight schedule to pick up our stuff. We look forward to seeing them in the future now that we are practically neighbors.
We also had a great time at the luncheon on Monday. We are so blessed to have so much support from our family. Clayton loves his new pocket watch and played with it throughout church. Nicole loves the new zester and has been scouring the apartment in search of something to zest. Our apartment is starting to feel like home. We have one bookshelf left to set up and then just need to rearrange everything for a few months before we will be perfectly settled.
On our drive in we were both perfectly disappointed in our choice of Quizno's for dinner. We are recommending a family wide ban on that particular sandwich chain. We finished listening to The Lost World by Sir Aurthur Conan Doyle. We highly recommend it to those of you who like that sort of thing. We also listened to The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, a wholly remarkable book, and have taken no small measure of comfort in the phrase "Don't Panic." Clayton is longing to get back into his book Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia, but that will have to wait until the apartment has stabilized or until after law school, which ever comes first.
We attended our new ward today. A lady from Africa taught the lesson in Relief Society; Nicole really liked it. About half of the men in the ward are lawyers so Clayton got some fun advice about law school. There are a lot of young couples like us that have just moved into our ward.
We love and miss you all and hope you are doing well.
I am so enjoying your blogs. It seems to be very colorful.