On Tuesday morning we decided to walk from our house to the metro to see what the commute would be like. After a long but uneventful walk we made it to the metro and headed down to Foggy Bottom. The conductor on the train sounded ridiculous over the PA system. One of the things he kept saying was "Blue Line to Largo." all the vowels elongated.
We went to student health services and found out that because Clayton is married and not living in a dorm he did not have to get the immunization and could just sign a waiver. We were relieved because the immunization was really expensive. From student services we
It was like hiking to havasupai, but with better facilities and AC some of the time. It turns out that the Metro station is about 2 miles away from our house, a bit farther than we thought.
On Wednesday, we heard about a job opening for a graphic design job. Nicole spent the rest of the week gathering her portfolio. It looked fantastic in the end. She finished it up on Saturday and we promptly mailed it. Keep your finger's crossed or pray for her which ever is your custom.
On Thursday and Friday Clayton had orientation at GW. He found it rather boring but really enjoyed starting his homework. The most interesting part was figuring out his commute. At first we didn't know we had any other commuting options besides wading through the parking lot of traffic to get into DC, or simply taking the metro. Nicole's cousin gave us the tip to try "slugging." Slugging is a fantastic form of transportation where you walk to a parking lot and line up with the other slugs, slang for people bumming a ride, and bum a ride into the city. Drivers get to use the carpool lane which cuts off 45 minutes of their commute, and you get a free ride. At first we were apprehensive about getting into a stranger's car. The whole concept seemed to go against our childhood safety instructions. After calculating the metro rates during rush hour, which are twice the normal rate, slugging seemed worth a try. Thus on orientation day Clayton defied his natural instincts to sleep in and woke up at 6am to test out the slugging method. It was a 2.5 mile walk to the slug line. Nicole, fearing that something might happen to her husband, wanted to at least give him a ride to the slug line. He, however, didn't want to be dependent on her for a ride. No, he would rather only have to be dependent on complete strangers. He figured that at least they would be on time. It all went really smoothly and Clayton plans on "slugging in" every morning.

We think that school must be starting soon because it was super crowded with people buying school supplies. The check out lines were supper long and everyone was getting impatient. After waiting in line for twenty minutes we heard a kerfuffle behind us. Turning around we saw two heavy set black ladies and an equally heavy latino couple "getting in each other's grills". The dialogue sounded something like this
Black Lady 1: "Don' you talk to my momma dat way!"
Latino Man: "I aint talkin to yo momma!"
Black Lady "Yeah you was an' you bein disruhspeckful"
LATINO LADY: "Don' you be touch'n my man!"
BLACK LADY1: "I ain't be touch'n him! He be touch'n me"
LATINO LADY: "I KNOW he not evuh wanna touch dat"
BLACK LADY 1: "Yeah he is being DISrespectful! You Don' wanna go there wit me! Owww noo you don' wanna go der wit' me!"
(pushing ensues. other shoppers and workers start staring. the manager enters the scence.)
Manger: Y'all need to calm down.
Black Lady 1: "You don't wanna go there with me!"
Latino Lady: "You don' wanna go there with me!"
Black Lady1: "I don' gotta be takin' this from no gang banger!"
Latino Lady: "I aint no gang banger you a gang banger!"
(More pushing and swearing ensues)
Crowd: Watch the language there are children!
Latino Man to Black Lady1: yeah there are kids don' be swearing around them.
(it should be noted that both the latino lady and the black lady have children sitting in their carts.)
Black Lady1: "She started swearing first!"
Black Lady 2: " Oh calm down you know how ignrant THEY are."
(Clayton and Nicole exit the scene trying not to laugh)
All in all it was a pretty great week! Peace and Blessings Y'all, peace and blessings.
That is an eventful week... it sounds like mother nature is just welcoming you to Virginia! :) Glad to hear things are going well.
ReplyDeleteThat is an eventful week.... it sounds like Mother Nature wanted to welcome you to Virginia! :) Glad to hear things are going well.