Monday was Clayton's first day of law school. Torts is Clayton's favorite class. 'Tort' comes from the french word 'torquere' meaning to twist. Torture also derived from 'torquere'. Fittingly, the first day of class was rough.
Professor Turley, walked moodily to the front of the class room. "Alright everyone!" he boomed. "Let's get started!" The class was nervous because no first day reading assignment had been posted and no one was sure if there was an assignment. "I think the best way to begin" continued Turley, "is to jump right into it." He looked at the podium. "Ms. Merriweather, will you relate for the class the facts in the Dougherty case?" The entire class started flipping through their case books looking for the case. Ms. Merriweather stood up. "Ummm" she said. "You did read the case" interrupted Turley. "Yeah" she replied flipping pages of her book while she did so. "So this guy Dougherty, he uh well he went on to this other guy's property and uh." "Ms. Merriweather!" Turley interrupted again. "It seems you did not read this case closely, lets see if someone one can help you out." The rest of the class was frantically reading trying to glean anything that might be helpful from the case. "Ms. Wright, will you please relate the facts in Dougherty." Ms. Wright slowly stood up. "Well, Dougherty went onto Stepp's property and started surveying it. He did so without Stepp's permission." "Good" interrupted Turley. "Now, Ms. Merriweather. It is clear that you did not properly prepare for this class. As such it will do you little good to stay in here. If you are not dedicated to this class, you are clearly not dedicated to the study of law and consequently not serious about being an attorney. Will you please leave my classroom and contemplate whether or not you made the right career decision." "What?" stammered Ms. Merriweather. "Was I not clear?" Turley continued, "I want you to collect your things and LEAVE NOW. You may come back next class, if you are serious but I suggest you go to the registrars office and drop out. This will save you a lot of money and me a headache." The girl collected her things. "The rest of the class will please turn to the next case. I will write the citation on the board." Turley walked to the whiteboard and in large blue letters wrote 'JUST KIDDING'. Everyone started laughing. "Lets hear it for my assistants. This is a right of passage I put all my first years through" said Turley.
So the whole thing was a big prank! we all got a good laugh and then Turley told us all about his experience at law school and we really started class.
On Tuesday, we had our first earthquake. We wanted to let you know what it was like for each of us. We also reenacted it so you could see some pictures.
Clayton was at School, in a study room w
Nicole's version is slig
On Wednesday, Nicole had her first job interview. She was the only person to mail her portfolio in and they were very impressed by this. It seemed like a fun place to work. Keep your fingers crossed. Clayton also got finally got a locker at the Law School. He was super excited about this because he was using a backpacking backpack to get all the books he needed to and from school.
Thursday was not unusual so we thought we would let you know the usual. Clayton's weekday schedule. He leaves the house about 6:30 am. He gets to school around 7:45 am. He studies and has class until about 7:00 pm. He takes the metro home and gets back to Nicole around 8:00 pm. It turns out the one of the best ways of preparing to attend law school is to work several years for Keith. The hours are about the same, meals are about as frequent, and it's a lot of fun; that is if you have a funny sense of fun.
Thursday was also the first day Nicole had a "phone work out" session with her sister, Amanda. For this session, Nicole took a walk around her neighborhood with weights and Amanda took a walk around HER neighborhood (location Cincinnati) and they talked on the phone with their bluetooth (s). Yay for technology! Nicole had fun and Amanda got lost so Nicole stayed on the phone with her till she found her way back home.
On Friday, we got a letter from Clayton's family. We love the new pictures. Also Clayton had his last orientation meeting. Dean Berman told everyone that in our first week, we had already had an earthquake, and we should brace for the upcoming hurricane. He then told us we should all be careful because if things kept going this way lice and boils would probably be next.
Saturday, we had our first hurricane. It was really windy and a lot of rain. Clayton got an email that a big tree crashed down in front of some GW buildings and they will be closed until further notice. None of the buildings are law related.
That was our week.
Peace and Blessing